Our firm has extensive experience in the planning and execution of bankruptcy proceedings, From the application of insolvency to completion, including among others, proposals of agreement, both early and regular, the solicitation of liquidation and generally, all proceedings under Law 22/2003, of July 9, Insolvency.

For the debtor, we offer customized solutions to overcome the crisis, rapid decision making. Using extrajudicial or judicial proceedings (such as pre-competition and bankruptcy) we manage and execute restructuring plans, advise on the sale of assets, production lines or production units, ensuring balance between all the interested parties (buyer, seller workers, bankruptcy administration, etc.)

For the creditor, our team designs collection strategies and offer effective credit recovery. Advise, The execution of real or financial guarantees, including the execution of shares. We negotiate with the receivers to maximize the return of credit and advise on the purchase of assets of insolvent companies or pre-insolvency.